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What's in a word....

The idea of having a word to focus on each year isn't new but one that I only implemented last year. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain. The idea is that you pick a word for the year - any word that encompasses your goals and that becomes your focus point for the year. Last year my word was GROW. I wanted to grow as a person, I wanted to grow in knowledge and skills and I wanted to grow in mindfulness. It was a great word for me last year because I really did grow in all aspects of my life.

Reading has always been something I wanted to do more of but never had the time. I would purchase book after book with the "one day someday" approach. My bookshelf would be full of "books I'm going to read one day" without me actually reading them. So last year as part of my "Grow" implementation I vowed to read more. I also promised that I would do a book review here each month to keep me on task which as you know I started but never finished. But I did read.... I read a lot.... over the course of last year I successfully completed reading fifteen books - I started five which I still need to finish (this year I aim to start and finish one book at a time not multiple). So even though my first post of the year made me feel bad admitting I hadn't completed the task of a "book a month" I still achieved this and more.

Wonderful things start to happen when we sit down and write out our goals and plans. You might not hit them every time, but we do bring ourselves closer to them. I know that I am closer to mine because of the intentions I set last year. I definitely upskilled myself in various ways, I implemented a morning routine and I practiced daily mindfulness which has been a game changer for me.

Its not to say that choosing one word makes miracles happen but its your intentions behind the word that give power to your actions. To moving forward, to achieving your goals. If you don't know what you want and you don't know where you're going all you doing is existing not living. Its time to be intentional. So as you think of what you want for yourself this year I suggest you write it all down, see if there is a common theme and find your word that will remind you to stay on task.

My word for 2022 is CLARITY. I want to get clear on what I want for my life, clear on my directions for work and personal life and I've planned out a path on how I intend to get clear on all my things. What's your word for 2022. Write it down and remind yourself constantly - attach your plans, goals and dreams to the word so that when you see that one word the meaning for you is your vision and intention for the year. Be sure to check in with yourself to see how you doing, to keep on track and to high five yourself on all your achievements. I wish you a wonderful intentional year full of all you dreams come true

Until next week,

(Photo credit :Unsplash Andrew Seaman)

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